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The Caribbean's hottest disc jock in heels...

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In her hometown of Belize City, this DJ's got a strong following, with a loyal crowds of fans who are experts at listening to good party music, dancing up a storm and celebrating life. Linda Blease, a.k.a. Ms. Blease from Belize, may quite reasonably be described as one of the hottest female disc jocks in the Caribbean region and Central America.

Through affiliation with ZBV, Ms. Blease has expanded the impact of her touring to include more Caribbean cities and audiences than ever before. The association between Ms. Blease and ZBV varies while still maintaining strategic value as we smartly harness various resources and opportunities throughout the region.

Beyond the intensely focused corporate marketing world, we realize that huge segments of the fashion, commerce and consumer purchasing activities worldwide revolve around one important segment: youth culture. This is the pulse. As a top radio and travelling disc jock, Ms. Blease has her hands at the musical heartbeat.

Check out her music! Listen to a few mix tapes on her Soundcloud page and stay in touch with Caribbean youth culture. Planning an event or special project? Contact ZBV to do some business. Discover one of those deceptively simple, real-world, high intensity business connections.

Website: www.lindablease.com
Download her biography or follow her on facebook and twitter links below:

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©2014-2020 ZAWDIE BUSINESS VENTURES. All Rights Reserved.

Aerial photograph shows Bernard Lodge, St. Catherine, Jamaica. Photograph taken in 2013 by ZBV during preliminary demo flights for one of ZAWDIE's business projects in the aviation sector.

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